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In the COVID Era, Meditation Has Many Benefits

In the COVID Era, Meditation Has Many Benefits

In the COVID Era, Meditation Has Many Benefits Around the world, COVID-19 continues to be a harrowing experience. The unexpected challenges, unwanted changes, and devastating losses of loved ones became commonplace. Meditative practices benefit patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, and the…

The Sandwich Generation

The Sandwich Generation

The Sandwich Generation For those who are experiencing the struggle of simultaneously caring for children and elder parents is part of what we call the sandwich generation. Although generation is part of the phrase, it does not refer to people…

Risk of Probate Litigation

Risk of Probate Litigation

Risk of Probate Litigation The risk of probate litigation can increase by family circumstances. Still, there are two fundamental reasons: families disagree with how to handle a mentally incapacitated family member or, after death, disagreements regarding the dissolution of the…

Why Does Elder Care in America Cost So Much?

Why Does Elder Care in America Cost So Much?

Why Does Elder Care in America Cost So Much? Aging well and securely in America is expensive on many levels. The financial toll for millions of those families who do their best to care for and support them. Long-term care…

Estate Planning & Cryptocurrency

Estate Planning & Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency and how it can be involved in your estate plan. What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin was created in January 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. The popularity of cryptocurrency is increasing exponentially, and Florida Today reports as many…

Estate Planning with Pet Trusts

Estate Planning with Pet Trusts

Set Intension for Your Pet in Your Pet Trust Whether you have a horse, dog, cat, parrot, or even more exotic pets such as a snake or lizard, you can take actions to provide for them after you are gone…

How Life Insurance is Involved in Your Estate Plan

How Life Insurance is Involved in Your Estate Plan

Life insurance can be an integral, indispensably important part of a well-thought-out estate plan Life insurance can be an integral, indispensably important part of a well-thought-out estate plan. At first thought, life insurance may not seem to have a bearing…

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