Pets provide a lot of enjoyment and comfort to their owners. Your pet is probably…

Have you ever seen commercials on TV where a TV lawyer mentions a product or medication you have used? Perhaps you or a loved one have suffered from the types of injuries mentioned in the commercial? At Carby & Carby, we can help you take the next step. There is no need to call an 800 number to a call center and tell your personal issues to an impersonal case screener. At no cost to you, we can help you review your situation to determine if you have a claim. You will be able to set up an appointment and meet personally with Philip or Hyde.
There are many instances the possible dangers of commonplace products later becoming known and creating claims for millions of people. For instance, in April of 2020, the FDA stated that Zantac should be pulled from the market because it was potentially contaminated with a known carcinogen. Litigation related to this situation is underway. Most people learned about these claims through a commercial on TV.
If you have seen a commercial about Zantac related lawsuits and wondered if you might have a claim, we can help you figure it out. The same is true for other defective drugs, medical devices such as artificial hips and hernia meshes and household chemicals like Roundup.
If you have seen one of these commercials, and you think that you or a loved one may have a claim, give us a call, and let us help you get to the bottom of it. These matters are handled in strict confidence. We handle these matters on a contingency fee basis, and we never charge any fees or costs unless you have a recovery. Contact our Natchez, MS office by calling (601) 445-5011.